Non-Cash Assets
You can support RMHGHV with a wide variety of assets, from donated securities to real estate or personal property. Whichever you choose, we will help make the process simple and straightforward.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
The Benefits
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them.
- You pay no capital gains tax on the securities you donate.
- You can direct your gift to a specific fund or purpose.
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now or funding a life income gift that benefits RMHGHV later.
A gift of appreciated securities is for you if…
- You’re holding stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares that have grown in value.
- You want to maximize your deduction without incurring capital gains tax.
- You want to make an outright gift to RMHGHV, or a gift that will first provide lifetime payments to you.
Retained Life Estate
The Benefits
- You can give us a significant asset, but retain the security of using it for the rest of your life.
- You receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the appraised value of your property.
- You can terminate your life estate at any time and may receive an additional income tax deduction.
A retained life estate is for you if…
- You want to use your residence to make a gift to RMHGHV, but don’t want to move out.
- You are willing to deed your home, vacation house, or farm to RMHGHV if you can continue to live there rent-free.
- You want to continue to maintain your home.
- Your home is not subject to a mortgage or other obligations.
- You do not need the funds that would be generated by selling the property.
- You wish to reduce your estate taxes.

Gifts of Life Insurance
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the cash surrender value of the policy.
- You gain the satisfaction of making a significant gift to RMHGHV without adversely affecting your cash flow.
A lifetime gift of an insurance policy is for you if...
- You are maintaining insurance coverage that your family no longer needs.
- You hold few appreciated securities that you wish to donate.
- A significant charitable deduction would be useful to you this year.
Gifts of Personal Property
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the appraised value of your gift and pay no capital gains tax, provided your gift satisfies the “related use” requirements of the IRS.
- In certain cases, you can use personal property to fund a life-income gift that benefits RMHGHV and provides you with income now.
- You can have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now to RMHGHV without adversely affecting your cash flow.
A gift of personal property is for you if...
- You hold artwork, antiques or other personal property that you no longer wish to maintain.
- You hold equipment or other items that would be useful to our mission.
- You want to avoid capital gains tax on the transfer of these assets.