The Sibio Family

The Sibio Family In July of 2022, the Sibio family came to stay at the Ronald McDonald house. They are from Central Square NY and live 267 miles away. Angelo suffered from a gunshot wound to the head and has since been staying in Blythedale hospital in rehabilitation. Melissa, his mother, has not left his […]

Baby Ariabella

Baby Airabella Before my stay at the Ronald McDonald House, my living situation wasn’t the most stable. I had just moved back up from Florida after being homeless and was trying to get on my feet back in New York. I was staying at a family shelter upstate, and my fiancé and father of my […]

The McNamara Family

The McNamara Family Our daughter was born 10 weeks early at Vassar Hospital in Poughkeepsie, NY back in July of 2022. I had gone for a routine checkup and ended up in the hospital, and we had our daughter within an hour. She needed to be on a vent to help with her lung development. […]