Bequest and Estate Gifts

Including a bequest in your will is one way to leave a legacy, but are also other options for gifts which are simple, straightforward, and accomplish the same goal.


The Benefits
  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
  • You can modify your bequest to address changing circumstances.
  • You can direct your bequest to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
  • Under current tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests your estate receives.
A bequest is for you if...
  • You want to help ensure RMHGHV’s future viability and strength.
  • Long-term planning is more important to you than an immediate income-tax deduction.
  • You want the flexibility of a gift commitment that doesn’t affect your current cash flow.

Gifts From Your Retirement Plan

The Benefits
  • Avoid the double taxation your retirement savings may incur if you designated your heir(s) as beneficiary(ies).
  • Continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals.
  • You can revoke us as a beneficiary if your family’s needs change.
A gift from your retirement account is for you if...
  • You hold a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement plan.
  • You prefer to make a gift to us through your estate plan.
  • You want to balance your giving between providing for your family and for RMHGHV.
  • You want to ensure the most efficient distribution of the assets in your estate.